OMG! My Blogger Recognition Award Nomination 


I am so honored to have been nominated for this awesome award after a month of blogging.  Getting this award lets me know that people are enjoying what they are reading! Huge thanks to all my lovely readers; and I promise to continue posting what you will enjoy! Also, special thanks to Susan from Girlie Fix Blog for her nominations. I feel honored to have my blog nominated for this awesome blog! Feel free to click on the link to visit their blogs!

To begin, what is the ‘Blogger Recognition Award’?

The Blogger Recognition Award is an opportunity for bloggers to connect and recognize one another for their contributions. As part of the nomination, each nominee has to nominate some other bloggers for the award as well. I will know answer the two questions I asked to on this post!

  1. A brief story of how/why I started blogging.

I’ve been journaling for…

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Daddy’s Little Girl


Throughout my childhood, I remember having so much love for my father. I remember his special knock at the front door. I remember no matter what we’re doing, once my siblings and I heard that knock, we raced to the door to be the first one to get a hug.

When I was first, I would run to him and as he picked me up I would tightly wrap my legs and arms around him. My grip so tight he didn’t have to hold me up at all. He’d walked over to my mom and gave her a kiss while I was still holding on. Then he asked me about the day. I would give him a rundown of all the things mom had to yell at my siblings about.

I remember calling him Big Maurice when I reported the news and Daddy when I wanted something. He also noticed. One day…

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Hello You!


I’ve been journaling for seventeen years now and have loved every second of it! I decided to add my Journal to a small corner of the Internet.  Once my life transitioned from full-time employee to full-time wife and mother, I felt a void in my world that I was eager to fill. My life became more than what I was expected to do as an employee and scheduling my life around that; To scheduling my work around my husband and daughters.

The times we have shared, both good and bad has been a testament to my life.  I have looked to my journal over the years to help friends, family, and even myself. I realized that being transparent and discussing so many different aspects of my life has helped me form a bond with friends and family that goes beyond small talk.

With the support of my husband, family, and friends, I decided to take the plunge and…

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My Largest Weight Ever!!!


I enjoy cooking food and I enjoy eating. However, dieting? Not so much. Although I have always been a mostly healthy eater, I’m not one to avoid a late night bowl of ice cream. But indulging a little too much, and a little too often resulted in a slow gain of 100lbs pounds by my late-30s.

When I was younger, I managed to maintain my weight of 105 pounds by being active. During college a car wasn’t in the budget and the bus rides were always packed, therefore I walked everywhere. After college, I was very active over the years with my three daughters and I was able to appreciate and maintain my weight of 135. The weight came when I moved south and started a desk job. With that came long hours, fast food lunches, and plenty late night snacks.  It seemed like overnight my weight climbed to 235…

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How I lost 70lbs and jump-started my weight loss journey


After many failed attempts at the latest diets and quick fixes. I decided to literally research myself. This was the best decision of my weight loss journey! You might be wondering, “How did I research myself?” I took the following steps listed below.

  1. I got a journal. I wanted to document everything I ate and how it made me feel.
  2. I started counting my calories so I would know how many calories I took in daily. I was able to do this by downloading the MyFitnessPal App.
  3. I tracked my daily activities. This way I would know what I did during a normal day. I added these activities into MyFitnessPal and tracked my steps in the Pacer App. I currently use these apps and you can find me by searching LavandaMichelle.
  4. I also wrote down my body measurements. I wanted to know if I didn’t do anything different, what…

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